Voice for Teens
A variety of warmups & technique exercises
Solfeg, rhythm, and various theory
Practice at home needed 3-5x's each week
Styles of jazz, blues, musical, pop, folk, & art songs
Adding in favorite songs when appropriate
Card & dice games to reinforce concepts
Ear Training
Song analysis
Microphone skills
Performance skills
Memory work skills
Occasional recording
Incentive prizes
Dropbox app & youtube folders for customized practice tracks

Voice for Tweens
Fun warmups
Solfeg and Kodaly rhythms
Practice at home needed 3-5x's each week
Styles of jazz, blues, musical, pop, folk, & art songs
Adding in favorite songs when appropriate
Games to reinforce concepts
Ear Training
Hands on learning
Microphone skills
Occasional recording
Incentive games & prizes
Dropbox app & youtube folders for customized practice tracks
Seasonal activities

Voice for Elementary
Fun warmups with rhythm
Echo songs, rounds, and tongue twisters
Solfeg and Kodaly rhythms
Practice at home needed 3-5x's each week
Styles of jazz, blues, musical, pop, folk, & art songs
Adding in favorite songs when appropriate
Games to reinforce concepts
Ear Training
Hands on learning
Microphone skills
Occasional recording
Incentive games & prizes
Dropbox app & youtube folders for customized practice tracks
Seasonal Activities
Vocal Lessons for Adults
A variety of warmups & technique exercises
Solfeg, rhythm, and various theory
Practice at home needed 3-5x's each week
Bring in your favorite songs
Customized backing tracks in keys that work for you
Additional styles and genres added
Ear Training
Microphone skills
Occasional recording
Dropbox app & youtube folders for customized practice tracks