Studio Policies
Lessons are typically held weekly following the yearly calendar that is published on the studio website. Please be on time for your lesson and when picking up your child. If your lesson is from 4:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. and you come at 4:15, the lesson will still end at 5:00 p.m. This ensures that none of my lessons will run behind. Please come in exactly at your lesson time or wait on the landing as I finish up the previous student.
Each student commits to the full semester. However, a free interview/mini-lesson is available before that commitment to ensure that A.G. Studios is a good fit.
Please no chewing gum or hard candy during lessons. Students will be asked to spit out any items in their mouths prior to playing/singing.
Candy and treats are stocked in the incentive store with other fun non-edible prizes. If your student has a severe allergy, please make sure I am aware of this or if you would prefer your child not to have food prizes, let me know as well.
Please be considerate of others and keep your student home if they have a fever or a fever or throwing up in the last 24 hrs or are contagious in any way. One makeup lesson is allowed per semester on the scheduled makeup lesson days once a month. You are welcome to use those if sickness occurs. Zoom/Skype lessons are also available when a light sickness has occurred and the student feels up to playing. Please email what is needed when you request a digital lesson. I do ask for notice prior to 12:00 p.m. if possible to prepare well for a zoom/skype lesson.
The waiting area is available for families if desired. Please supervise closely any children waiting with you and they must be relatively quiet. Siblings are welcome to play outside, but unfortunately, the trampoline and backyard are not allowed due to liability. Parents are always welcome to stay, but please note many students do better without parents nearby.
Students will be given progress reports every year in May to help the parents be updated on how their child is progressing. Please feel free to touch base at any time for updates during the semester or with any concerns or feedback
Please note A. G. Studios office is closed from Fridays at 5:00 through Sundays. Should an email or text arrive during this family time, it will be returned after 8:00 a.m. Monday or at my earliest convenience. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
*Each student will be required to purchase books for lessons (both voice and piano). I am happy to order them for you or send you the links. If ordering for you, I require payment in advance for books. (Please note I do not charge for these services.)
*Each student needs a weighted key, touch-sensitive, full-sized key keyboard or piano -with 88 keys recommended and 76 keys required.
*By the second year of piano lessons, each student will need a pedal.
*Each student needs a metronome or metronome app (free ones available)
*I do provide each student with one binder per year. If for any reason their binder is breaking, please make sure to replace it.
Starting mid-semester
Occasionally, I have an opening mid-semester to fill as students move. If starting mid-semester, the following months will be pro-rated until the next semester begins.
Registration Fee
To register for lessons, a registration fee of $45.00 is required. This goes toward the incentive program, awards, extra music, worksheets, the lending library, and other resources each student benefits from.
One Recital is offered each year where students can invite their family. Each family is asked to contribute a sweet or savory item for the reception. There is also a student mini Christmas Recital and a dress rehearsal with performance opportunity.
Students are expected to practice each week (the time length will depend on the student's level). The more practice, the more they will progress and the more they will get from lessons. I recommend 5 -6 days a week but at least 3 to continue to progress. Statistics show that more often practice is more beneficial than a cram session before lessons and truly working on sections of pieces more beneficial than just singing/playing once and going on. Thank you to the parents for encouraging this great habit and for helping the younger ones in their practicing. It is quite common for students through age twelve to need reminding and help to schedule in practice and sometimes older.
Important note: Sometime during the course of taking piano lessons, your child may say something like, "I don't want to practice" or "I don't want to go- I want to play with my friends", "I want to quit" etc. Just be aware that your child's interest will probably not be consistent; but to be successful, you will need to be consistent in your encouragement and commitment to music instruction. In most cases, simply acknowledge your child's comments, but then go on with your normal routine just as you would if you heard the comment, "I don't want to brush my teeth,? or "I don't want to go to bed."
Practicing Problems
A regular practice time per day is very helpful for every student. Home incentives also help motivate students. If your student is unsure about what to practice or is becoming frustrated and does not want to practice, please contact me immediately so I can help. Even taking a picture of what is confusing and texting me is very helpful, and I will call as soon as I'm able. Sometimes an answer over the phone can make all the difference. Also, please still plan to attend lessons even if it has been a difficult practice week or an extremely busy week. I will take care not to embarrass your student and even if you were just on vacation for most of the week, we can work on rhythm, sight-reading, terms, games for notes/key signature, improvisation, etc. so your time will be used well.
Payment is required monthly and due on the 1st lesson of each month and/or before the 7th of each month. Payment can be made digitally through Venmo by check or cash. A late fee of $10.00 will be added to lessons paid more than 5 days after the first lesson of the month. If you will have to miss a lesson, Venmo is available, and mailing your payment in is also encouraged. Tuition is due even if you miss that lesson as it reserves your time slot. Any miss without payment may result in lesson termination.
Please make all payments out to 'Angela Gaynor'. Payments can be made in cash, check, or Venmo to
Lesson Cancellation
Since this is what I do for a living, I ask you to please be at each lesson and give 24-hour notice when lessons must be missed. If a child is sick please touch base by 8:00 a.m. the day of the lesson. Texting, calling, or email is all fine. If you miss with no notice, payment will still be required. Unfortunately, numerous cancellations may result in having to give your lesson spot to someone else.
If a student is repeatedly absent, late, and unprepared, I may ask the family to take a break from lessons and re-evaluate their commitment.
Missed Lessons
Your tuition reserves a time slot in my schedule for the academic year from August-May, whether the lessons are attended or not. Credit will not be given for missed lessons, except in the case of my absence. Tuition is due regardless of missed lessons. Students will not be billed for studio breaks and select holidays throughout the year. As my studio operates at full capacity, weekly make-up lessons unfortunately are not possible except for one makeup lesson per student that is scheduled on certain days between semesters or once a month on makeup days. Make sure to schedule those early to get one that works with your schedule.
Inclement Weather/School closings
I do not cancel the studio for inclement weather or if schools are closing. Many of my students live close by and many live in various parts of the triad where driving conditions will vary. However, I do now offer a skype lesson on your lesson day/time if bad weather exists. Make sure to place a request for skype lessons by 8:00 a.m. that day and email/text a picture of the students' current assignment page at that time.
Performance Opportunities
The main performance opportunity is a Spring Recital happening usually in early May. This is required of all students 18 and below. Adult students are encouraged but it is optional for adults. This is a wonderful time to celebrate your accomplishments, share your gift of music with friends and family, and get experience that only performing will allow. Recitals are scheduled with a great deal of notice so make sure to place it on your calendar early. Students also perform at a mini Christmas Student Recital where they perform in front of a small group of peers. Another times of performance opportunity is at the Recital dress rehearsals & Group Lesson.
Discontinuing Lessons
Every student stops taking lessons at some point. Please make this decision thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent, and student so that lessons can cease with a positive sense of closure. Because tuition includes much more than the reserved lesson time the studio requires a one-month written and paid notice before the semester ends. The student must finish the remainder of the semester paid in full or forego any unused lessons, as there is no refund given. (ie: Fall Semester: one month notice by Nov 15; Spring Semester: one-month notice by April 20th.) This month also gives time to wrap up any current projects, give words to the student, and end on a positive note, and allows me the necessary time to fill that empty lesson slot so that I can avoid a loss in income.
Dismissal & Termination
Should any of the following situations occur after parental notification has been made along with time provided to correct the situation, dismissal will result:
- Failure to make payments promptly.
- Failure to maintain practice standards.
- Persistent unexcused absences or tardiness.
- Failure to honor studio policies.
- Repeated neglect on the student's part to take responsibility for bringing materials, following assignment & practice directions.
- Inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, theft, damage to property, and/or misbehavior in my home.
I also reserve the right to dismiss students immediately should there be disrespectful behavior from the student or parents that makes me unable to teach well.
Dress Code
Please keep attire just like school -with no extremely short shorts, short crop tops or bra like tops, or leotard/swim suit without a covering over the lower half.
Your commitment when enrolled is for an entire semester: January through May for Spring Semester, August through December for Fall semester, and June through July for Summer semester. Students are expected to take ALL of the lessons for the semester in which they are enrolled, and payment for all the time commitment of the semester is required.